The Call to Foster

This month, Shasta, Jessica, and Ashton sit down with Deborah Stukey. Deborah is a retired school teacher and principal and is a resourceful learner. Her natural educating talents, as well as the training she received as an educator and to become a foster parent, has been extremely valuable in her foster parenting journey. Deborah has an adopted son with significant medical challenges and has learned a lot about how to take care of children with high medical needs while learning to care for him! She encourages all foster parents and potential foster parents to not shy away from caring for kids with high medical need - the learning curve is not too sharp and she says it is worth it! Most of all, she encourages all foster parents to never stop asking questions, even the hard ones.

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a foster parent, learn how to get started on our website: 

What is The Call to Foster?

The Missouri Department of Social Services is proud to present The Call to Foster, a heartwarming new podcast series that features inspiring stories from foster parents across the state. Each episode will highlight their unique experiences and perspectives, how they overcame hesitations, and provide helpful advice for anyone considering becoming a foster parent. Prepare your heart as you hear first-hand from the compassionate families and individuals working together to make a difference for Missouri’s most vulnerable children.