Programming Tech Brief By HackerNoon

This story was originally published on HackerNoon at:
In this post, I will share r.eal experience that I gained while working with hundred's of millions of pieces of data in MongoDB
Check more stories related to programming at: You can also check exclusive content about #mongodb, #scaling, #database, #best-mongodb-practices, #mongodb-lessons, #bulk-operations, #aggregation-pipeline, #mastering-mongodb, and more.

This story was written by: @thedevtimeline. Learn more about this writer by checking @thedevtimeline's about page, and for more stories, please visit

In this post, I will share real experience that I gained while working with hundreds of millions of pieces of data in MongoDB. Don't store all data in a single Mongo collection. Use Bulk Operations to execute multiple write operations (inserts, updates, deletes) efficiently.

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