Bible On The Rocks

In the discussion of Episode 30, things got a bit off topic, but when that happens it becomes a great opportunity to provide bonus content.  This episode of Bible, Neat contains a discussion about who Jesus was and why he died.  While it needed to be cut from the Jericho episode due to time and it being off-topic, it's a discussion worth sharing.  At the very least, it's a great example of Brett and Erik being Brett and Erik.

What is Bible On The Rocks?

Bible On The Rocks is the podcast where a group of friends get together over drinks to talk about stories from the Bible. Each episode, one of us will tell a Bible story in our own words while the other group members chime in with their own thoughts and opinions. Our group contains a wide variety of Bible experience, which helps get different perspectives on the story. We're tackling stories from the Bible and giving our takes on what the stories mean to us. We encourage our listeners to pick up a Bible and read these stories on their own to see if there's any additional meaning that we don't cover. So we hope you enjoy as we explore the Bible with Bible On The Rocks.