The Principal Purpose Podcast

Episode Show Notes:

- Welcome to the Principal Purpose Podcast hosted by Lynn Hardin, a Principal and Certified Life Coach.
- This podcast aims to shape you into the Principal everyone adores by discussing trust, relationships, and commitment.

Main Discussion:
- Lynn shares personal experiences of getting derailed from her routine due to selling her house.
- Discussion on effective time management and its importance in boosting productivity and well-being.
- Time management techniques shared:
  - Setting clear goals.
  - Prioritizing tasks with methods such as the Eisenhower box or ABCD method.
  - Utilizing the two-minute rule.
  - Importance of technology like Todoist, Trello, and Google Calendar.
  - Breaking down overwhelming tasks.
  - The Pomodoro technique.
  - Dangers of multitasking.
  - Grouping similar tasks.
  - Setting deadlines.
  - Delegating tasks.
  - Combating procrastination.
  - Reducing distractions.
  - Reviewing and adjusting weekly plans.
  - Allocating time effectively using the '8-8-8' rule.
  - Starting the day early for increased productivity.
  - Allocating time for self-care.

- Lynn introduces the 'worry list' technique:
  - List down all worries.
  - Categorize them into 'no control', 'some control', and 'full control'.
  - Reflect on items where one has control to act upon them.

Closing Notes:
- Introducing the 'Tiny Time List' for tasks that can be done in short time bursts.
- Encouraging listeners to live and act on purpose, serving their students, community, and staff.
- Offering a special gift for listeners: A Principal Planner available for download on Lynn's website.

🎁 **Gift for Listeners:** 
Head to my website to download the principal planner for better time management.

Thank you for joining us on the Principal Purpose Podcast. Ensure to create spaces where every child thrives and be the principal everyone loves!

Remember, as a principal, you shape the future, and your approach to time management can have a profound effect on your professional and personal well-being. Stay tuned for more actionable insights in future episodes!

What is The Principal Purpose Podcast?

The intention of The Principal Purpose is to provide tools and inspiration to help school leaders become the principal everybody loves.