Pickled Parables

In a slightly different episode, Hunter Witcraft presents his findings and research regarding the history and development of Christian epistemology. In doing so, we learn of many pitfalls facing Christian thought.
Scriptures Explored: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
I am married to Willa; we have two boys: Graham (3) and Benjamin (1). I have a M.Div. from Corban University, a MA in Christian Ministry from GCU, and a Post-Graduate Certificate in Biblical Languages from GCU. The Bible is God’s Word to us, and for that reason, it is important for us to understand it (yes, we even have to work on the hard parts and the tricky parts). The Bible itself is a gift of grace from God to us – He was under no obligation to give it to us, and yet in it He has given us everything needed for life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3). The Holy Spirit is active when we preach the Scripture and when we hear the Scripture, glorifying God and drawing us to Him; for that reason, I do what I can to accurately deliver the Word of God.
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Music created by Chad Hoffman
Artwork created by Anthony Kuenzi

What is Pickled Parables?

Pickled Parables is a Bible teaching podcast where we study, contemplate and testify to the Bible’s incredible teachings and how it leads us to live a better life. Listen to pastors, professors, counselors, evangelists, and Bible scholars share their studies and meditations.