Volver al Futuro

In this episode we talk about the systemic neglect of gender equality in allopathic medicine and the need and opportunity for the lifestyle medicine advocates to rectify this disparity. We underscore the significance of cultural and political sensitivity in healthcare interventions and the need for early integration of public health education into the medical curricula. Dr Sathya talks about the spectrum of prevention and the different levels it has and shows that in western medicine there is very little understanding of community diagnosis and community treatment. We finalize my projecting 50 years into the future and how an optimistic and a pessimistic scenario would look. 

Dr. Sathya Doraiswamy is a medical doctor, board certified in public health and board certified in lifestyle medicine. He has received diplomas in applied population research, applied statistics and human resource management.
He works for the United Nations Population Fund and has over 20 years of experience in academia, government and NGOs. His special interests include refugee health, sexual and reproductive health, and strengthening health systems, particularly in fragile settings. 

What is Volver al Futuro?

Entrar al nuevo paradigma de salud depende de un grupo selecto de individuos que se han atrevido a cuestionar y a proponer. Conducido por Victor Saadia, Volver al Futuro Podcast es la plataforma para Reinventar de adentro hacia afuera y de afuera hacia adentro, la Salud y el Bienestar.