With All Due Respect

What role does the 'man's man' have in Evangelical America? And how likely is it that those trends are traversing the Pacific to our own country?

Show Notes

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With All Due Respect's Michael Jensen and Megan Powell du Toit examine masculine Christianity in the United States and question what effect it might be having down under.

The episode kicks off with an interview with Kristen Kobes Du Mez, author of Jesus and John Wayne, a publication that discovers the worship of Alpha Male role models in the American church.

Megan and Michael then examine the presence of Alpha Males in the Australian context, specifically the iconic Man From Snowy River.

And finally, our WADR hosts entertain us with a 'For Argument's Sake' about the effects such considerations have on the Australian Christian context.

What is With All Due Respect?

Less aggro, more conversation.

Is it even possible to have a deep discussion without it descending into chaos? Michael Jensen and Megan Powell du Toit think yes, and want to show the rest of us how to do it.

There’s plenty of things they disagree on: free will, feminism, where you should send your kids to school and what type of church you should go to. But there are also plenty of other things that they have in common. They want to talk about all these things with conviction. But they also want the conversation to be constructive. Tune in to find out if that’s possible.