The H Word

Dan and Becky wrestle with fiction and Becky talks with Vancouver comedian, Graham Clark, about the disintegration of live comedy and more. Covered: UFOs, Sum 41, false flags, Errol Morris, cryptozoology, The Sopranos, deadface acting, alpha males, Cassavetes, Michael Jordan, legacies, the Lincoln Memorial, walking through mud, Yoko Ono's beam of light, non-essential services, the hustle, comedy after WWII, golden age cinema, King Lear, Rocky, Stephen Spielberg, Vancouver, Bonnie Henry, wearing masks, home haircuts, beard painting, Inception, Tik Tok, the world's first podcast, The Sawatsky Sign Off and more.

What is The H Word ?

Toronto-based actor/writer/comedian/sadsacks, Becky Johnson and Dan Beirne, chat with thoughtful and interesting guests to unpack the notion of HOPE for a new, bleak decade. and @thehwordpod on social media.