Pneuma by Daniel Finneran

Pneuma by Daniel Finneran Trailer Bonus Episode 64 Season 1

A Celebration Of The Sun: Gratitude For Our Great Star Above

A Celebration Of The Sun: Gratitude For Our Great Star AboveA Celebration Of The Sun: Gratitude For Our Great Star Above

Thomas Traherne (1636-74) was an English poet, writer, theologian, and Anglican cleric to whom I was recently introduced.

His only extant work, Centuries of Meditations, completely swept me away. It’s a short but powerful book with which you should spend an afternoon. 

In this episode, we’ll focus on a couple of passages from Traherne’s Meditations. In them, he lists the countless gifts that the sun bestows upon us every single day–of which we’re almost always unmindful, and for which we’re hardly ever grateful. 

You can use this episode to think about and appreciate nature or, if drowsy, to help you fall asleep. 

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What is Pneuma by Daniel Finneran?

Mindfulness for the Thinking Mind.

A soothing, soporific voice with which to calm and center yourself.

Episodes on themes as diverse as walking, sleeping, stretching, anxiety, worldly possessions, positive affirmations, lunch hours, and morning commutes. Meditations and sleep stories for every occasion at any stage of life.

From Shakespeare to the Stoics, Coleridge to the Platonists, the Buddha to the Transcendentalists, we'll borrow our wisdom from the best who have ever thought, and strengthen our minds with their collective genius.

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