Strategic Farming: Field Notes

Craig Sheaffer Forage Extension Specialist and Jochum Wiersma, Small Grains Extension Specialist joined us for the last episode of summer 2022 to discuss forages and small grains outlooks. Forage producers are weighing how late they can take an alfalfa crop for the last cutting. Depending on fall conditions, there is potential for significant regrowth that could help provide winter cover, but an early frost could also reduce cover. Small grain harvest is wrapping up, and yields are higher than expected. However, some disease issues have appeared later in the growing season. Especially for diseases such as ergot, growers may need to selectively harvest parts of infected fields to have a marketable product.

Show Notes

Transcript available upon request. Please contact Anthony Hanson -

What is Strategic Farming: Field Notes?

Join the University of Minnesota Extension Crops team in addressing all your crop-related questions this growing season, from soil fertility, agronomics, pest management and more. We will tackle issues as they arise to help you make better crop management decisions this season.