Venn Presents

Welcome to part four in our series of conversations with women and men who are seeking to follow Christ in the whole of life. In this episode, host Sam Bloore is joined by Mark Mayhew to talk about his journey of understanding how the gospel speaks to everything we do, and how God has drawn him deeper and deeper into a gospel life.

Show Notes

Welcome to part four in our series of conversations with women and men who are seeking to follow Christ in the whole of life. In this episode, host Sam Bloore is joined by Mark Mayhew to talk about his journey of understanding how the gospel speaks to everything we do, and how God has drawn him deeper and deeper into a gospel life.  
Mark Mayhew is founder and director of Peregrine, a purpose-driven strategy and ventures firm. He trained in Civil Engineering and spent the early part of his career working in management consulting, before moving to Vancouver, Canada to pursue a Master of Arts in Marketplace Theology at Regent College. Mark is the co-creator of ReFrame, a 10-week, film-based series that helps Christians connect faith with all of life, and he is the former director of the Regent College Marketplace Institute. Mark is passionate about helping people integrate Christian faith with the whole of life. He loves working with visionary people to solve strategic problems and creatively explore how purpose can shape everything we do. Mark is married to Jenn, and they live in London with their two children, Emily (4) and Will (1). They worship at King Cross Church in London.

In this conversation, Mark recounts how deep questions about his work and purpose led him to theological study; this was not study for ordained ministry, however, but a theological reframing of a call to pursue God’s purposes for business. And this is the call that continues to shape Mark’s life now. He reflects on what Scripture has to say about work and enterprise, on the fact that business is not morally neutral, and on the ways in which God has led him over the years. Sam also talks about with Mark about his personal life: about suffering, singleness and marriage, and parenting later in life. 

This episode is jam-packed with Mark’s hard-won learning and wisdom, and he communicates it so well. So, tune in and school up—this is a great listen. 

What is Venn Presents?

Welcome to Venn Presents, a series of conversations on the depth and richness of the Christian tradition, as we attempt to outwork it in our 21st century lives. Through this collection, host Sam Bloore and members of the Venn Foundation team will present aspects of their work and reflection, as well as that of the wider Venn community.

Each short series will run across two or three episodes and the topics will be wide-ranging: from exploring Christian faith or doctrine; to engagement with wider culture, like business, the arts, education, music, and sport; and even discussing features of community and family life.
Our hope is these conversations will, in some small way, help us all to re-imagine how the Master’s Gospel might sound in the communities and callings we find ourselves in today.

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