Glitch In The Code Podcast with Richard Willett

This week Dr Joye Jeffries Pugh returns to the show to continue our discussion about the Black Nobility bloodlines of today that can be traced back thousands of years to Mesopotamia and perhaps to the biblical character of Cain. We also discuss the esoteric and occult backgrounds towards the push of humanity towards Transhumanism and how a Technocratic dictatorship is all part of what she beliefs to be the playing out of the biblical 'End Times' and how the microchip is the mark of the beast.

Show Notes

This week Dr Joye Jeffries Pugh returns to the show to continue our discussion about the Black Nobility bloodlines of today that can be traced back thousands of years to Mesopotamia and perhaps to the biblical character of Cain. We also discuss the esoteric and occult backgrounds towards the push of humanity towards Transhumanism and how a Technocratic dictatorship is all part of what she beliefs to be the playing out of the biblical 'End Times' and how the microchip is the mark of the beast.

What is Glitch In The Code Podcast with Richard Willett?

A interview based show, Host Richard Willett interviews some of the best researchers and alternative media journalists who are uncovering crucial information into how the world really works, within the shadows and behind the curtain. This world is nothing like we are led to believe it is and for decades many authors, researchers, filmmakers, songwriters and journalists have been trying to reveal the hidden hand that is rapidly tightening its grip on us all.