First Baptist Arlington Sermons

Dennis R Wiles 
FBC Arlington 
December 31, 2023 

2023 - Why Does It Matter? 
Winter 2023 - Incarnation: Why Does It Matter? 
December 3 - 31, 2023 

The Profound Humility of the Incarnation 
Philippians 2:5-11 

Theme FBCA 2024: Together 

Biblical Context: Ephesians 

Devotional Guide: Together in Word 

Together in Deed 

Sermon Texts: Torah, Narratives, Prophets, Wisdom, Gospels, Acts, and Epistles 

Core Commitments: Worship, Community, Prayer, Evangelism, Bible Study, Stewardship 

Areas of Focus: Young Adults/Families, New People, Amenistries 

ADVENT 2023: INCARNATION: Why Does It Matter? 

INCARNATION: Hope of Glory, Hope of the Ages, Eternal Son of God, Word became Flesh! 

CO-ETERNAL: The Son of God is eternal in His existence as a member of the Trinity. 

CONDESCENSION: The Son of God willingly descended to earth, surrendering His position in the Trinity to temporarily live within human limitations. 

CRUCIFIXION: The humility of the Son of God is on full display on the cross! 

CROWN: God has exalted His Son to the highest place! 

COSMIC CONFESSION: Jesus is Lord! All of creation will join in this chorus. 

CONNECTION: Have this same attitude of humility within you! 

Text JESUS to (817) 518-6353

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