Something's Off

Something is most definitely off with the way the Church has historically engaged with the topic of sex. Most people get some form of the message: “sex is bad and shameful” or “you just need to save it for love.” However, the reality is that our God has created us to be sexual beings; And that God has also given us clear, counter-cultural instructions on how to best engage sex. So, in a hookup culture full of swiping left and right, how do we honor the fact that God has made us sexual while engaging sex in the correct way?

Show Notes

Something is most definitely off with the way the Church has historically engaged with the topic of sex. Most people get some form of the message: “sex is bad and shameful” or “you just need to save it for love.” However, the reality is that our God has created us to be sexual beings; And that God has also given us clear, counter-cultural instructions on how to best engage sex. So, in a hookup culture full of swiping left and right—and not to mention a culture where it’s seen as irresponsible to get married before living together—how do we honor the fact that God has made us sexual while engaging sex in the correct way? Join the conversation to find out what we think.

If you’re looking for more on this community of people who are honest about both the fun and challenging things of life, or if you’re questioning why these people would choose to put Jesus before their own desires when it comes to this topic, check us out at or on Instagram @renovateftw. We'd love to have the opportunity to meet and know you!

Supporting resources cited in this episode:
  1. “Key Findings on Marriage and Cohabitation in the US”
  2. “The Science of Cohabitation: A Step Toward Marriage, Not a Rebellion”
  3. “So is living together before marriage linked to divorce or what?”

What is Something's Off?

In theory, the Church should be a model of what cultural flourishing looks like. Yet, so often the people and relationships within the Church are just as broken and messy as they are anywhere else. Join us for candid conversations on where we’ve gotten off track as the Church and how we use God’s Word to start moving in the right direction. Welcome to Something’s Off.
Find out more at or on Facebook and Instagram @renovateftw.