FairPlay | Challenging Wrongful Convictions in America

February 11 2022 | Imran Siddiqui | Justice News |
When the woman you admire becomes the mother of your child, it’s just a very surreal moment.
Why would anyone want to throw all that away to oblivion? And just for a couple of hundred bucks?
If you are insane then I can understand it, but if you're ready to cut a check for one year of advance child support then you wouldn't want to brutally kill your child’s mother for the sake of a few hundred bucks in child support, even if it's in two months arrears, because of the red tape, not because you didn't have the money to pay, especially when you were no where near that crime scene with zero motives to kill anyone.
End result -
A "Harmless Error "of the State, but a "Lifelong Damage to the Innocent".
And no one really knows why.
In United States law, A Harmless Error is a ruling by a trial judge that, although mistaken, does not meet the burden for a losing party to reverse the original decision of the trier of fact on appeal, or to warrant a new trial.
In easy language. If you end up in prison due to the mistake or negligence of others, chances are you will never get out alive.
The damages caused by these kinds of unjust laws can completely devastate an innocent person's life, while the real killer remains out there. With such laws in effect how can one bring justice to the victim and the accused? What remedies are in place to correct the wrongs of the State and the Government?
The story of the wrongful conviction of David Thorne is not new and sadly not rare. The end result, of one of the oldest failed methodologies to falsely convict someone, is to simply use false eyewitness testimony.
Because of these archaic practices against their own fellow citizens, David Thorne has been sitting in Ohio State prison for over 20 years for a crime he says he did not commit. 
| Imran Siddiqui is the managing editor at Justice News and the author of the JBlog.
Email - imran@jnews.network or Catch his podcast FairPlay on j107 Justice Radio

Show Notes

February 11 2022 | Imran Siddiqui | Justice News |

When the woman you admire becomes the mother of your child, it’s just a very surreal moment.

Why would anyone want to throw all that away to oblivion? And just for a couple of hundred bucks?

If you are insane then I can understand it, but if you're ready to cut a check for one year of advance child support then you wouldn't want to brutally kill your child’s mother for the sake of a few hundred bucks in child support, even if it's in two months arrears, because of the red tape, not because you didn't have the money to pay, especially when you were no where near that crime scene with zero motives to kill anyone.

End result -

A "Harmless Error "of the State, but a "Lifelong Damage to the Innocent".

And no one really knows why.

In United States law, A Harmless Error is a ruling by a trial judge that, although mistaken, does not meet the burden for a losing party to reverse the original decision of the trier of fact on appeal, or to warrant a new trial.

In easy language. If you end up in prison due to the mistake or negligence of others, chances are you will never get out alive.

The damages caused by these kinds of unjust laws can completely devastate an innocent person's life, while the real killer remains out there. With such laws in effect how can one bring justice to the victim and the accused? What remedies are in place to correct the wrongs of the State and the Government?

The story of the wrongful conviction of David Thorne is not new and sadly not rare. The end result, of one of the oldest failed methodologies to falsely convict someone, is to simply use false eyewitness testimony.

Because of these archaic practices against their own fellow citizens, David Thorne has been sitting in Ohio State prison for over 20 years for a crime he says he did not commit

| Imran Siddiqui is the managing editor at Justice News and the author of the JBlog.

Email - imran@jnews.network or Catch his podcast FairPlay on j107 Justice Radio

What is FairPlay | Challenging Wrongful Convictions in America?

FairPlay is an original discussion series on Wrongful Convictions from JustcieNews.Net where a "Fair" dialog takes place from the vantage point of the accused, and brings forward those voices that are mostly ignored by the society. Hosted by Justice News managing editor Imran Siddiqui, FairPlay sheds light on the injustices in the U.S. justice system, based on facts, data, and ground realities, without any fear to speak the truth. FairPlay, Conversations@JusticeNews, uncovers a wide variety of issues ranging from criminal justice reform to racial discrimination, bias, corruption, cruel and unusual punishment, rehabilitation, and seeking justice for the wrongly convicted. FairPlay guests come from all walks of life sharing their perspectives and real-life experiences that are directly impacted by decisions made within the U.S. judicial systems.
Discover the truth and the innocent at JusticeNews.Net