There's Another Way

Hello lovely souls!

And welcome back to the podcast: There's Another Way.

Today I weave you through my experiences that have allowed me to move beyond the physical world and instead be in relationship with the physical world as my partner in crime.  My co-creator.
When we depend on the physical world to tell us what is and isn't possible, we've lost connection to our power.

We're diving into:

Building momentum in the direction that you desire versus the direction of your programming and conditioning

Drinking from your INNER well instead of believing that the 3D world dictates what you can and can't have

When you're in alignment with your truest nature, you don't need to protect yourself from the energy of others

The fear that comes with letting go

Holy + Wild has shifted from a 6 week container to a 3 month mastermind where we deepen the codes, the modules, the experiences so that you truly embody your purpose, your power and your message for this lifetime.   This mastermind experience walks you through all areas of your human life so that you know how to create money, healthy relationships, robust health, ease, peace, and beauty on purpose. This is truly for those who want to tap into their truest power so you arrive on your deathbed with no regrets.

Pre-sale of $1111 ends on 4/30.
This mastermind will live at $3333 and you can join anytime.
Modules will be available in June and the mastermind experience begins in September.
Get Holy + Wild here:


What is There's Another Way?

Welcome to the podcast: There's Another Way, brought to you by your host, Meredith Cameron.

Meredith is a mentor, medium, and thought leader in the personal development realm.
Meredith has served a community of hundreds of women who have liberated their overthinking minds by learning somatic and energetic techniques. She teaches others how to be the creator of their everyday lives, use their body and intuition as guidance, and break free from societal programming that keeps us limited and small. On this show, you can expect to receive perspectives and insights that are a complete 180 from how the rest of the world operates so that you don't leave any untapped potential on the table. Not to mention, energetic conversations that will leave you buzzing. You are here to live a life of radiant and robust health, wealth, success and deep love.