Gaming the System

In all of my friendship groups, I was always known as the gamer. I never stood out in any way, and whenever someone talked to me it'd usually be about video games.
At the time I didn't see anything wrong with it. But, when I look back on how different my life could have been if I just took it upon myself to be more, to do more, to aim higher and really achieve the things that I was capable of... I really wish I'd have known about it sooner.
It's a short episode today, but it's in reply to a message I was asked recently about whether I can talk in more detail on the topic of identifying as a gamer.
It might not seem like much, but it was actually the defining moment in my journey to overcome video game addiction and finally start turning my life around for the better.
Hopefully, it can do the same for you.

If you haven't already I'd love for you to leave us a rating. It'll help us get the podcast in front of more people, and we can provide as much value as possible!
Until next time.

Music by Nordgroove from Fugue.

Show Notes

In all of my friendship groups, I was always known as the gamer. I never stood out in any way, and whenever someone talked to me it'd usually be about video games.

At the time I didn't see anything wrong with it. But, when I look back on how different my life could have been if I just took it upon myself to be more, to do more, to aim higher and really achieve the things that I was capable of... I really wish I'd have known about it sooner.

It's a short episode today, but it's in reply to a message I was asked recently about whether I can talk in more detail on the topic of identifying as a gamer.

It might not seem like much, but it was actually the defining moment in my journey to overcome video game addiction and finally start turning my life around for the better.

Hopefully, it can do the same for you.

If you haven't already I'd love for you to leave us a rating. It'll help us get the podcast in front of more people, and we can provide as much value as possible!

Until next time.

Music by Nordgroove from Fugue.

What is Gaming the System?

Part of the Game Quitters network, GTS brings you everything you need to know about video game addiction, and how people have changed their lives after overcoming it.

Each week we cover a range of topics from industry news and surprise mechanics to companies fighting back against gaming disorder.