You Play A What?

My guest today is indeed the man that puts on his pink uniform every morning and delivers your favourite bubbletea or McGriddles. Yes, it’s the Famous Amos, the man himself, Amos Chiya (probably enough food items for now).

Prior to his return to Singapore in the late 2020 due to the ongoing pandemic, Amos was living in Russia and was working as a guest conductor with several orchestras in the region. Having spent a good number of years away from Singapore, he has found it challenging to navigate a volatile arts scene and has started working as a food deliveryman. His video and article on TODAY has been shared across many countries and by many. But it seems like his days as a food deliveryman are numbered, as he has confirmed his trip to Japan to work with Maestro Riccardo Muti and a return to Russia for some conducting work.

On this episode, we talked about his time living in Russia, his thoughts about conducting symphonic repertoire, operas and ballet. We also spoke about the frustrations that a young music graduate might face in Singapore, his pep talk for a young person planning to pursue music professionally, and his intended outcome behind his article. This has been a great conversation that took me by surprise!

His Article:

Thank you so much for tuning in to this episode of the podcast! You can get in touch with me through . Subscribe and share this podcast with your friends if you enjoyed the episode. Feel free to leave a rating and review on which ever platform you choose to listen to your podcast!

Show Notes

My guest today is indeed the man that puts on his pink uniform every morning and delivers your favourite bubbletea or McGriddles. Yes, it’s the Famous Amos, the man himself, Amos Chiya (probably enough food items for now).

Prior to his return to Singapore in the late 2020 due to the ongoing pandemic, Amos was living in Russia and was working as a guest conductor with several orchestras in the region. Having spent a good number of years away from Singapore, he has found it challenging to navigate a volatile arts scene and has started working as a food deliveryman. His video and article on TODAY has been shared across many countries and by many. But it seems like his days as a food deliveryman are numbered, as he has confirmed his trip to Japan to work with Maestro Riccardo Muti and a return to Russia for some conducting work.

On this episode, we talked about his time living in Russia, his thoughts about conducting symphonic repertoire, operas and ballet. We also spoke about the frustrations that a young music graduate might face in Singapore, his pep talk for a young person planning to pursue music professionally, and his intended outcome behind his article. This has been a great conversation that took me by surprise!

His Article:

Thank you so much for tuning in to this episode of the podcast! You can get in touch with me through . Subscribe and share this podcast with your friends if you enjoyed the episode. Feel free to leave a rating and review on which ever platform you choose to listen to your podcast!

What is You Play A What??

"What are your plans after graduation?" "What kind of work can you apply for with a Music Degree?" "You Play a What?" These might be some infuriating and intimidating questions for any aspiring musician. If you are looking for some relief, join Vincent every Wednesday, as he finds out from his guest their inspiring stories, grit, graft and all that it takes for them to succeed in the music industry.