Dog Save The People

Elisabeth Weiss is a dog trainer who runs her own company “Dog Relations NYC” where she offers in-house consulting, training programs, online coaching, physical therapy, and more. She is perhaps best known for teaching dogs how to play music - a technique she even used with Lou Reed’s dog, who was her first client. Originally, Elisabeth was a violinist, and she has brought that background into her dog training, too. And now, while music still is part of her life, her own dogs and the ones she works with have taken #1 priority and brought more fulfillment to Elisabeth’s life as a result.

Show Notes

Elisabeth Weiss is a dog trainer who runs her own company “Dog Relations NYC” where she offers in-house consulting, training programs, online coaching, physical therapy, and more. She is perhaps best known for teaching dogs how to play music - a technique she even used with Lou Reed’s dog, who was her first client. Originally, Elisabeth was a violinist, and she has brought that background into her dog training, too. And now, while music still is part of her life, her own dogs and the ones she works with have taken #1 priority and brought more fulfillment to Elisabeth’s life as a result.

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What is Dog Save The People?

How caring for dogs transforms who we are as a person and changes our lives for good. Interview series hosted by John Bartlett, fashion designer and animal activist.