National Health Executive Podcast

For episode 31 of National Health Executive’s (NHE) Finger on the Pulse podcast, I was joined by University Hospitals Southampton NHS Foundation Trust’s Director of Estates, Facilities and Capital Development, David Jones, to discuss everything from the ongoing industrial action, funding, some of the research he is doing and his three wishes for the NHS.

David said: “As a manager, I obviously uphold the right of people to strike and, on this occasion, I fully understand and appreciate why the NHS is currently striking. I know that there’s a lot of focus on nurses and junior doctors at the moment, however we’ve also got to remember that this is across the board – it’s all colleagues such as estates, facilities, IT etc. – that have received below inflation pay rates.”

To make the NHS a more attractive employer, David believes the health service needs to be more flexible in how it renumerates its staff, especially against the backdrop of the private sector. He also thinks the NHS should improve the way people move through the various pay grades, drawing specific attention to how some managers have to wait nearly five years to get a pay rise that isn’t just inflationary.

Listen to the full episode of NHE’s Finger on the Pulse podcast with David Jones above.

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