Through The Hard - Parenting Teens in Crisis

This first episode takes all the guesswork about what to expect as your child navigates the Juvenile Court System. Here we have part 1 of 2 episodes that are jam-packed with information for you to use as a resource to access critical information anytime you need it.

Show Notes

In Episode One, we take a look at the Juvenile Courts System. 
We talk through a little about what happens after an arrest, the diversion program (12:35), Detention (13:00), and Attorneys (15:00).  We also talk about what to expect at a hearing (19:00), Terms and Conditions (26:00), and Pretrial Hearings (28:30). Most importantly, though, we talk about how having a child in crisis is not an indicator of whether or not you are a good mom.  

Local and national resources:

Pathways to Hope Network is a non-profit organization that provides cost-free support and community to parents with youth facing criminal allegations. In Series 1, Into The Unknown, there will be six episodes. In each episode, we walk you through what to expect on this journey and provide you with resources and support. 
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What is Through The Hard - Parenting Teens in Crisis?

Parenting teens can be hard. Parenting teens who are in crisis is even more complicated. You were never meant to walk through this alone.

Welcome to Through the Hard - Parenting Teens in Crisis, a twice-monthly podcast presented by Pathways to Hope Network.
Join us for honest conversations that drive out shame and show us how to navigate the emotions and uncertainty of parenting teens through crisis.