Breadcrumbs by Trace Labs

#Hack4Good can come in many different forms. The team from Operation Safe Escape works in the same "space" as Trace Labs but with a different mission. They're focused on assisting the survivors of domestic violence escape their situation and stay safe in a digital world that makes tracking and control easier than it's ever been.
In this episode, I talk with some of the OSE team about the organization, how they operate and what it takes to make a Safe Escape from an abusive situation.

Show Notes

#Hack4Good can come in many different forms. The team from Operation Safe Escape works in the same "space" as Trace Labs but with a different mission. They're focused on assisting the survivors of domestic violence escape their situation and stay safe in a digital world that makes tracking and control easier than it's ever been. In this episode, I talk with some of the OSE team about the organization, how they operate and what it takes to make a Safe Escape from an abusive situation.

Operation Safe Escape -
Operation Safe Escape Donations -

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What is Breadcrumbs by Trace Labs ?

Trace Labs is a Canadian based non profit specializing in the crowd sourcing of open source intelligence collection.

In this series, we explore the topics, techniques and tools that relate to OSINT collection.