C We Do Have A Voice

Host Shellie Turner engages in a heartfelt conversation with breast cancer veteran Asha Miller. They explore the often untalked-about complexities and long-term impacts of living with the disease. Asha opens up about her divorce following her diagnosis, the intricate relationship dynamics that evolved, and the supportive co-parenting setup with her ex-husband for the well-being of their children. Delving deeper into the conversation around breast reconstruction following mastectomy, Asha shares that she plans to undergo a 'deep flap surgery'. She also reveals her engagement with the breast cancer community, including her involvement in the upcoming 'Camp Breasties'. Asha discusses the importance of these communities in creating a network of support, empowering individuals, and disseminating crucial information.

Connect with Asha: https://www.instagram.com/dearcancer_itsme/ 

00:00 Introduction and Purpose of the Podcast
00:41 Guest Introduction: Asha's Fight Against Cancer
01:45 Discussing Asha's Divorce Amidst Cancer Battle
04:08 Coping Mechanisms: Watching TV Shows
05:04 Navigating Relationships Post-Divorce
10:06 Asha's Upcoming Surgery and Body Acceptance
17:27 The Impact of Cancer on Family Dynamics
19:54 Empowering the Next Generation
20:16 The Importance of Genetic Testing and Awareness
26:30 Living and Thriving Post-Cancer
27:46 Upcoming Events: Camp Breasties
27:52 Making Camp Free for Breasties
28:12 The Excitement of Attending Camp
28:34 The Concept of Breastable
29:19 The Breasties App and Community
30:05 The Importance of Community in Breast Cancer Journey
30:12 The Struggles of Early Breast Cancer Communities
31:40 The Evolution of Breast Cancer Communities
32:47 The Mental Health Aspect of Breast Cancer
33:02 The Concept of Being a Breast Cancer Veteran
33:58 The Challenges of Living Post Breast Cancer
36:48 The Impact of Breast Cancer on Family
42:44 The Victoria's Secret Campaign Experience
49:03 The Upcoming Surgery and Reflections
51:41 Closing Thoughts and Appreciation

What is C We Do Have A Voice?

Breast Cancer doesn't care where you live, who you know, how healthy you are, how many initials you have behind your name, or the color of your skin. It could care less about money. This is a party that you never RSVP’d to, yet you are the guest of honor… and you don’t know what to do next.

Being diagnosed with breast cancer is where the discussion starts. Join host Shellie Turner in her new podcast that will shine light upon the darkness of diagnosis, giving you the support and information you need to keep moving forward from fellow fighters and survivors. We know you have questions, and this is a space where you can begin to find answers, community, and a voice for yourself in this journey. C. We Do Have a Voice welcomes you to the marvelous light of day.