Vitality Radio Podcast with Jared St. Clair

Vitality Radio Podcast with Jared St. Clair Trailer Bonus Episode 487 Season 1

#487: The Holiday Survival Guide with Jared and Jen

#487: The Holiday Survival Guide with Jared and Jen#487: The Holiday Survival Guide with Jared and Jen

Does the stress of the holiday season steal the joy out of it for you? Let this be the year that changes! On this episode of Vitality Radio, Jared invites his wife Jen back to the show to share how her experience of the holidays has completely changed, allowing her to find true joy in the season. Together, they share tips for changing your approach to the holiday stressors so that you can truly enjoy the festivities and time with loved ones. You’ll also learn how mindful choices with diet, movement, and sleep will contribute to a calmer season, and, of course, Jared will share which supplements are a must this time of year! 

Vital 5 Magnesium Bisglycinate
Vital 5 Ultimate Vitality Multi
Natural Factors Active B Complex
Vital 5 Omega-3 + Antioxidants
Back on Tract
Anxiety Release
Vital C Immunity
10 Days of Sunshine
Holiday Survival Guide - Free Download!

Additional Information:
Check out all of the Emotional Vitality Episodes on Vitaly Radio Podcast!
#378: Emotional Vitality: Using Curiosity to Take Back Control of Your Subconscious Mind
#457: Emotional Vitality: Jen's Story Part 4 - How Changing Your Mindset Can Change Your Life
#466: Emotional Vitality: Deep Healing Through Lifestyle and Breathwork with Sachin Patel
#242: The Vital Five How To: Your User's Guide to Filling the Gaps in Your Diet
#327: The Natural Approach to Mental Health: How To Optimize Mood and Reduce Anxiety With Lifestyle and Supplements

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Just a reminder that this podcast is for educational purposes only. The FDA has not evaluated the podcast. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The advice given is not intended to replace the advice of your medical professional.

What is Vitality Radio Podcast with Jared St. Clair?

What is the best supplement for me? What potency is right? What does the research show? Is it worth the money? These and all of your other supplement questions are answered here. Jared St. Clair brings well researched information so that you can make more informed decisions regarding your health, specifically focused on how to effectively use natural supplements to optimize your health and Vitality. Of course supplement and food choices aren't the only factors in optimal health. Jared also shares a regular series of Emotional Vitality episodes that will help you release the negativity that may be holding you back and embrace your full potential. Vitality Radio is not JUST about health, it is about HEALTH FREEDOM. Jared provides needed insight into the current threats to your health as well as the threats coming from government agencies, pharmaceutical companies and modern medicine as a whole. With over 35 years of experience in the natural products world, and a hearty dose of wit and sarcasm, Vitality Radio isn't just educational but entertaining and enlightening.