Welcome to DREAM TO SHINE show. I'm Loreta and in this episode, let’s talk about CHILDREN ARE FROM HEAVEN 1st Part

Show Notes


Welcome to DREAM TO SHINE show. I'm Loreta and in this episode, let’s talk about CHILDREN ARE FROM HEAVEN… 
As parent we all have dreams to be the best parent we could ever be an improved version of our parents. We learn from our parents stories and breakthroughs. 
I, have a 21 years old son, his name is Paulo Jhimmel, a graduate of Business IT in Singapore Polytecnic and serving the army, I have 14 years old daughter, her name is Jade. Paulo named his sister after Jackie Chan’s niece Jade in the cartoon series. 
How to be a good parent? Raising a child … Raising children, my mother-in-law has 8!!! My husband is the 2nd son. My mother has 3 daughters (excluding) my still born brother 
Every CHILD is A GIFT a Blessing from God 
I have lots of Fears due to the vicious cycle of victims of victims and that I won’t be a good mother to my children. Or that I would do the things my parents do to my children. But my love for children exceeds everything else. I praise and the Lord for blessing me with a son, I knew right then and there that I’m gonna be having a son. I felt like Mama Mary when she got the dream and vision that she will have to bear Jesus the Savior. And when she said “Fiat, be it done unto me according to Your word”. Being a Mother is really the toughest job of all. And just carrying the child for 9 months is already tough enough. I had a very difficult pregnancy, not able to eat, I survived the 1st 3 months with skyflakes and instant noodles, the rest of the food got this fishy smell that I can’t take, I was hospitalized for low hemoglobin, etc 
My son was already 6 years old when we received another blessing, and this time I also knew and felt that for my 2nd child, I’m gonna have a daughter. It was a different pregnancy experience, at 7 months I hiked and trailed McRitchie Tree Top Hill. 
The parents’ responsibility setting a good example a role model on how to overcome challenges ... 
4x4 leadership 
Teach Children to be: 
Be yourself as God who created you to be 
Be Confident 
Be responsible 
Apply the Love languages to children 
I hope this episode about CHILDREN ARE FROM HEAVEN will inspire and empower you to make your dream to be the best parent that you could ever be fulfilled. 
I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where I will be sharing more of my personal journey and breakthroughs on how you too could DREAM TO SHINE. 
- Community Life and support group 
 Choir or Music Ministry 
 Youth Ministry 
 Charismatic Community 
I hope this episode about LOVE IS A DECISION will inspire and empower you to make your dream marriage and relationship fulfilled. 
I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where I will be sharing more of my personal journey and breakthroughs on how you too could DREAM TO SHINE. 


Hello and Welcome to “Dream To Shine” Podcast.

I’m Loreta Pacia Rogero.

After 13 years of working as an Overseas Filipino Worker, I had a breakthrough on having a Millionaire Mindset that changed my inner and outer world …

I believe nothing happen by chance. In recent years, I’ve helped to reach out and empower Filipinos to be Free and Rich.

In this podcast I will share my personal journey and ways to realize and achieve dreams one step at a time

Everyone is a GIFT with potential to SUCCEED and SHINE. Join me in this journey, for every DREAM matters!