The Uncultured Saints


…the church is not for the perfect.

It is for the sinner. ❤️

It is for those seeking healing and comfort.

Just as a hospital is for the sick, the church is for those in need of God’s grace. 🤕 ⛪️

Jesus dined with the tax collectors and the sinners.

Not because they were righteous.

✅ But because they needed healing.

Church is not a sanctuary for saints, but a hospital for sinners.

Come as you are, not because you're perfect, but because you're in need of the Great Physician. 🏥✝️

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.

#lutheran #lcms #higherthings #unculturedsaints #church

What is The Uncultured Saints?

We’re told the same thing over and over. Christianity doesn’t fit with today’s culture. The thing is, it isn’t the culture saying it. It’s the church. We’ve done a great job figuring out what we’re not. Sometimes we forget what we are. We’re the saints, washed in the blood of the lamb. We’re sinners Jesus made holy. This defines us. There are places Christianity doesn’t fit with today’s culture because Christianity isn’t bound by culture. We’re free in Christ to be uncultured. Not against it. Not apart from it. Undefined by it, because we’re defined by something greater. Join Pr. Goodman and Pr. Lietzau, the uncultured saints, as we tackle today’s issues through the lens of the Lutheran Confessions and find answers to today’s questions rooted in a timeless truth in Christ.