5th and Dribble

After 212 episodes, you would have thought we would have figured out how to turn a Microphone on, but alas, Sherpa's Mic has failed us. Apologies on the crappy audio, hopefully you can still catch some of the Sherpa Shit Show, the ridiculous long weekends and if you can sit through the crappy audio long enough, some horrendous football chat.
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@5thanddribble
Special Thanks to the regular sponsor of the show: Dubby!
Use Code: 5THND for 10% off
Website: https://www.dubby.gg/
Also thanks to the new sponsor of the show and host of the 5nD studios: Fortitude Strength!
Website: https://www.fortitudestrength.com.au/

What is 5th and Dribble?

The perfect venn-diagram of pests, grubs, and unqualified opinion.