Gav and Dan lend their unique perspective to horror films and the world surrounding them. With Gav's unique perspective as a filmmaker and Dan's peculiar perspectives, The Podcast on Haunted Hill offers a fresh view of horror cinema!
The Podcast on Haunted Hill will contain spoilers and swearing.
I am the devil, and I am here to do the devil's work.
I saw this when I come.
Hello, and welcome to The Podcast on Haunted Hill, episode 166666, like the sound of the devil.
You said 666, you did it, the new three sixes, not a boy?
Just realized, I just put my hands on my new desk, and I just realized the padding's not here, which I always rest on before.
I used to use a padding what you get for boilers, which a plumber would use for like hot pipes.
You put the insulation foam around it, you put it on the side of your desk, works lovely as a little hand rest.
And it's not on my new desk, because ladies and gentlemen, I've actually moved.
Oh, my name's Gav.
This isn't a podcast about household tips.
My name's Dan.
And if this is your first, if you're...
Here we go.
If you're a regular listener, welcome back.
And if this is your first time, welcome from...
And to everyone else, you're welcome around the side.
We'll get into your move in a minute, Gav.
Apologies, everyone, part of the reason for the delay, because this is our belated Halloween episode.
Yeah, sorry.
But we all do love Halloween.
We still love Halloween.
We still do.
For a year.
So we're just having a little bit of a memory back to Halloween, because it feels like a million years ago.
We thank you all very much for your patience.
We also thank you all for blowing up our Facebook page during the month of October, with all of you watching and listening to it.
It's amazing.
It's a pretty good episode.
Did get a little mix out of the patrons, a little DJ mix of some stuff.
Yeah, a little DJ mix went out.
For this episode, not only are we celebrating Halloween late and basically catching up, but also we are following on tradition for the last three years, because we did the first Freddy movie separately and we did the first Halloween movie separately.
And then one year we said, let's smash them up for Halloween.
So we did Halloween 2 and Freddy 2.
Then we did three.
Last year we did four.
So you've guessed it, everyone.
This year we're doing A Nightmare On Elm Street 5, The Dream Child, and Halloween 5, The Revenge Of Michael Myers, both from 1989.
Those franchises tend to have the same years, which is odd, but yeah, so that's what we're covering.
Almost like in competition, which kind of they all were Friday the 13th as well, in a sense.
Yeah, although Fridays, we're almost putting them out yearly, weren't they?
It was almost an annual one having them, but that's what we're covering.
Arguably stronger series.
Yes, indeed.
But that's because they don't really dive far away from what they knew.
They carried on doing what they already knew.
The formula was there, and it's just like you hash this.
People like it.
Just put a man in the woods, in a mask, hacking people up.
A group of kids, cabin.
That's what you need.
Apart from when he goes to space, because we didn't know how else to do.
But come on, everyone goes to space.
Leprechaun went to space.
Well, Machete was supposed to go to space, but I don't think number two did well enough.
Pinhead went to space, you know, it's happened.
Fast and the Furious franchise went into space at one point.
Pinhead went to space?
What was he doing up there?
Yeah, one of the Hell Rays took very bad.
Yeah, but one of the bad Hell Rays movies.
So where is Hell in the universe, then?
I don't know, somebody must have had that box.
I can't remember, because it's been years since I've seen that one.
But there was one where he was in space.
It's like, come on.
But like I say, Ludacris was in space.
Fast and the Furious, one of the movies there.
The car flew up, went into space.
I did see Hellraiser fairly recently ago, but for the podcast listeners, ladies and gentlemen, guys, ghouls, non-genders, aliens, spooks, werewolves, yetis.
The undead.
So I actually did watch with Sarah.
We did a flashback, showcased a flashback to Hellraiser.
And we went and watched Hellraiser.
And I've seen it twice now.
That would be my second time then watching it on the big screen.
And I really enjoyed watching it again.
And I really appreciated the artistry and the editing, actually, in the way it's been set up.
Like the bit when they're trying to take the bed upstairs and he's going upstairs and that's being into juxtaposition with, just like the Angela, is it Angela?
Having sex with Frank and then both, uh, uh, and then just as he gets the nail and blood comes out, they come and it's just like editing back and forwards.
And I was like, that's so good.
It's one of those classics that we have yet to cover on the show in 10 News.
But it is one that we are covering at some point soon, don't you worry.
Okay, cool.
Well, when we do, I could probably get a little bit of an opener for the old teeth chatterer.
Oh, so let's get into it.
So yeah, happy belated Halloween to you all.
We will be covering off our watches and you, sir.
And for you, for me.
Thank you, dear sir.
You, sir.
And me, sir.
And I don't know what's happening right now.
I'm happy.
I mean, oh, God, it's gone again.
Sorry, isn't it?
Gav's back's gone out.
No, it's my new set up.
This is good.
That's a good time already.
So I moved.
So the reason we were late and delayed getting an episode out was because I had to.
Well, with a couple of reasons, we had a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes and I had a lot of stuff is in.
I had to move and then I didn't have the internet for like four weeks and it was just like, well, I can't podcast.
So that was the reason.
But anyway, and you also went on holiday, which is lovely.
It was a bit of a triple threat for you, wasn't it?
Because you moved.
We hoped we would be able to record.
I was quite stressed as well.
You were stressed and it was probably best that we didn't.
But then you didn't have the internet for about three weeks on top of that.
And then you went on your holiday.
It was almost like, you know what?
Take your holiday.
Chill out.
We had no internet and they all moved into my place and I didn't have remote control for the DVD player and I only had a bag for the DVDs, which I had leftover hanging around at the flat because all my shit's in storage.
So I had the in-betweeners on just putting on the DVD player and press play.
I didn't have remote control, so I just had to hope for the best.
I don't have TV because I don't pay for TV lots and so I had no internet, no nothing.
Anyway, that spring sound a minute ago wasn't my back puller now.
I've got a new proper set up.
Sounding shit obviously, but I've got a new set up which is like a new desk and everything, a new very fast internet, which is very good, very quiet room.
I've got one of those proper microphones, so I've got a proper mic on me, everything rather than before, not being comfortable sometimes leaning forward.
Now I don't have to.
Anyway, that's me.
That's the delay.
I love the fact when you move, you go, right, I don't need this, don't need this, like two days before you move, you just go to this random shit.
I throw away, throw away, throw away, I don't need it.
Move in, a week after moving in, fuck, I'm going to go and buy that thing that I threw away literally seven days ago.
Oh, for God's sake.
Losing shit.
How do you lose stuff?
The joys of moving.
Yeah, stuff a lot.
And then like just stuff.
Yeah, I got really small flats, really small.
But it's all right, though.
I need to get.
I was going to watch Plansky, or I know black listed word there.
I was going to watch The Tenant.
Remember The Tenant, Plansky?
Yeah, just because I feel a bit like that now.
I'm in a block with a load of different people, that sort of thing.
But we'll see how it goes.
It seems very, very quiet at the moment.
So no complaints.
Well, there we go, guys, that's what happened.
It's not the longest hiatus we've had.
It's been about a month, but we're back.
We might get back on track in time for Christmas.
We can jiggle the schedule around.
We'll cover that in the outro.
And do you know what?
Another thing, living here and not living out in the fucking sticks anymore, where I only had one shop which is below me, which is great, but it's shut at nine o'clock.
And I had to listen to that fucking co-op music over and over and over and over.
Oh my god.
I actually have now, walking distance, I have multiple different restaurants, takeouts, everything.
Like Stone's Throat, so I can bring...
I'm very pleased and I can't wait to come in and christen it with you.
I mean, come in, come in.
My belly has been very pleased.
It's shown its pleasedness by getting larger.
I went...
Fucking here we go, there's another segue.
I had a Freddy Krueger jumper, because I was doing a music video which should be coming out soon, with someone dressed as Freddy Krueger.
So I had a costume.
I went to DJ at a Halloween party in a pub in an old town I used to live in, because I live in a different town now.
I was just going downstairs with my DJ gear and I was like, this is a Freddy Krueger jumper, because I normally wear dark clothes, which hides things like fat.
And I was like, what's up with this jumper?
It's well creased.
And I went to actually karate chop the crease to first slim it down.
And it was my belly.
Oh, no.
Well, you can have a belly.
We're not fat shaming here.
You know, I've got a dad bod.
I always tell my wife, I've got the body of a god, and that god is Buddha.
I've just been eating lots.
I think it might be a colder thing.
It is getting colder now.
Me and my wife have been saying this.
We eat a lot more when it's this type of weather.
It is colder at the moment here now in the UK.
We've had a lot of snow.
We've had two days of snow where I live.
A little bit in the munch.
I've had a DVD for ages sitting around that I haven't seen before called Snow Day with Chevy Chase.
And I've never seen it.
I was like, fucking hell, if it snows anymore, I'm staying in and I'm watching Snow Day.
So I'm waiting.
That sounds awful, but I also want to see it.
It'd be so bad.
But I want to see it at the same time.
Of course.
Well, cast your minds back, everybody, to Halloween.
And we'll tell you how our Halloweens went.
And then we'll tell you what we watched.
Let's wind the plants back to Halloween.
So yes, Gav, Halloween was fun.
You go first.
Tell me what you did.
Trick or treat.
You've already said you butted the party, you DJed out.
I DJed out a Halloween party, which was cool because loads of people dressed up, as you would.
Mainly women.
Women seem to be the ones that dress up.
Blokes kind of put a bit of an effort on.
If it's down the pub, it's a bit of an effort, but the ladies love it.
And which was great because they were up for dancing.
So I managed to pull a few ladies in and get them dancing.
And then when the women are dancing, the men seem to just go, they're wandering with their points back and forwards with their mates just going, looking at the women.
Like zombies.
Yeah, pretty much.
But they all start dancing.
And then I was just banging out loads of fucking great tunes.
My Johnny came down and I kind of used him like African Babart, not in that sense, but like African Babart with Jazzy J.
And he would, African Babart would stand then to say, do this, do that.
I kind of switched it.
Drunk people would come up to me and say, excuse me.
And because they want a request.
And I just pointed at Johnny.
Johnny was just standing there behind the desk going, just happily chats away to them.
And then they forget what they're on about and I just carry on DJing, it's brilliant.
But it was good.
I finished on Killing The Name Of, which was fucking great.
Did you play Ghostbusters?
Fuck yeah.
Did you play Monster Mash?
And did you play Thriller?
Yes, I did.
It was the first time playing Michael Jackson in a very, very long time.
Well, you ticked all my boxes there, even Thriller.
It went really well.
I played loads of shit.
I even went at one point, went into like a lot of house music.
I did rock.
I did metal.
I did hip hop.
Yeah, loads of shit.
It was good.