Welcome to SHE is Confident. Hi! This is Deon Teh and in this episode, I will be sharing with you about MINDFULNESS

Show Notes


Welcome to SHE is Confident. Hi! This is Deon Teh and in this episode, I will be sharing with you about MINDFULNESS

We can enjoy anything in today's world that we want within our means, we received better education, we enjoy our good food, and at the same time, we also worry about our health as we overeat and there are many health scare or fears and we started to take supplements, piling our body with more and more unnecessary things.

Influenced by our past experiences and logical thinking, the more fears we have the more insecure and the more we chase after our external satisfaction and we attract more and more unhappiness.

Since we started our work life, we are kept busy. Besides sleeping, we are active non-stop and especially young children nowadays, the advanced technology makes us so busy with many unnecessary tasks. We slowly lose our inner self and only seek for external material appearances.

There are many issues that we need to face every day, from family to workplace to relationships to ourselves. My mood swings accordingly to the outside world, at the same time I also hope that others can change to suit me.

As a mother and leader, there is a certain pressure that I have to face and some uncertainty of family life issues especially our growing Son. I would do my mindfulness that I was practicing to reduce pressure and manage my thinking, as i need to calm down and aware myself.

My first reaction will always be getting angry, hence the other party will bear the hurt I release. this is an endless cycle, the second reaction is to keep in my heart and my whole mind and consciousness are full of the negative thoughts which will also release the negative energy within my body.

One day I was tired of this cycle and I decided to stop this.  I was tired of a life like this and I began to doubt myself, who I really am and what I want and why all these keep repeating, again and again, In the end,  I decided to sort out my mind, one of the method is to do material subtraction, minimising material items in my life

In the beginning, I started with a 5min practice and gradually I increased the time., when each practice I look at my inner self and there is always a time when we will run away as our brain will have many thoughts which will disturb us. It takes time and, this is a long-run practice that needs discipline and persistence to achieve.

I do the exercise to help in the boosting of my concentration. Another way is to visit more Natural Parks to connect with trees, flowers, and the natural environment also is a good choice to boost up your body's good circulation and increase your concentration.

Let my house fill with the sun every morning, it will increase the lively environment that can help everyone in the family since electronic devices are unavoidable in this modern society and they do emit harmful signals to our body.

before I practice mindfulness, I had so many negative thoughts towards people around me, I even doubted myself.

I became more aware, calmer, and have more patience to listen to others and when I really have to face difficult situations, these issues become easy to handle and I will have direction as to what to do.

Whenever I pay attention to my surroundings, I will know how to resolve, and if really I am unable to resolve, I will leave it first. Since there is no emotional pulling in between and it will easily resolve by itself too. 

I became more proactive and trust the people around me and also they become proactive too.

Every peace starts from us, there is a very great effort to change someone, however, by changing yourself and influencing others is way faster and more positive.

There is a resonance effect for this,  all of us have energy and we will receive the same feedback whenever we are under what frequency, this is how the law of attraction principle and gratitude works.

Besides this, I still recommend to practice mindfulness, there are a lot of ways to practice too, for instance when you are doing house chores

It is good to start learning mindfulness practice, especially starting from your family, we can set up a corner and let every family member have their own quiet time and let them be with themselves, hearing from their inner heart, let go of everything by 5-10 mins each day. And slowly that goes further until you do everything with mindfulness during walking, during every activity that you can think of.

This is to learn to let go as we put too much attention on the matter at the human level, causing us to neglect our inner power, who we really are, and what we want do for this life journey.

If you want to talk about transforming your inner child, healing your relationships with yourself and money, connect with me through my Facebook and the link is in the show notes.

I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where I will be sharing with you more stories on how I become S.H.E : Superwoman, Health Conscious, and Empowered Parent.


She's confident - Imagine an event, a show where…

…women are gathering to inspire each other to step fully into their greatness.

A place where all the facades are dropped, and instead the real, raw truth is shared.

Imagine a safe place created just for you.

A place where you can dive deep into all of the fears that have been holding you captive.

A sacred place that allows you to hold space and support for each other as you dive deep into a life-changing transformation.

It is time for women’s voices to be heard

…for women to speak-up and share their truth and wisdom through the power of their stories.
This is why we are coming together to share the CONFIDENCE that gives women a stage to be real, raw and vulnerable as they share their stories so that TOGETHER we can lead with courage and Rise Up!