First Baptist Arlington Sermons

Dennis R Wiles 
FBC Arlington 
December 10, 2023 

2023 - Why Does It Matter? 
Advent 2023 
Incarnation: Why Does It Matter? 
December 3 - 31, 2023 
The Hope of the Ages 
Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 
Today is the Second Sunday of Advent.  
ADVENT CANDLE – PREPARATION: Today we have lit the Candle of Preparation. We are reminded today that God prepared the world for the birth of His Son. Nothing is haphazard with God! He is preparing our world for the Second Coming of His Son. He is also preparing our hearts to celebrate Christmas. 
ADVENT 2023:  INCARNATION: Why Does It Matter? 
CONTEXT: We live in a day where the fallacies of humanistic, relativistic, and mistaken religious worldviews dominate the cultural landscape. 
CORRECTIVE: Christians must engage in a meaningful pursuit of the ultimate meaning of reality as revealed by the only true God through the revelation of Himself through His Word, His world, and The Word. 
CHRISTMAS: The Light has dawned in the midst of the darkness through the birth and life of the Messiah Jesus, the Son of God, ---- The Hope of the Ages!

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