PULSE Trailer Bonus Episode 3 Season 1

Modernising our digital health infrastructure

Oh the irony – a software tool designed to offer cyber protection against systems going down, causes the biggest cyber outage the world has ever seen.  Healthcare was not except.  The conspiracy theorists think it could be the start of SkyNet.  Good grief!

Australia and the US making moves to improve cybersecurity in health.

Will Tony Blair convince Labor it can save the NHS by creating a new national purpose around leading the biotech revolution? Tony Blair Institute report ‘A New National Purpose: Leading the Biotech Revolution”

Sharing is caring - Love to our friends in Ireland progressing a legislative agenda around sharing health information.

Our friends head to Canberra to convince politicians we need rules and regulation to ensure patient safety is paramount in the development of use of AI.

Louise & George talk with Peter O’Halloran, Chief Digital Officer, Australian Digital Health Agency ADHAon the exciting announcements around modernising Australia’s digital health infrastructure.

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Production by Octopod Productions | Ivan Juric

What is PULSE?

PULSE, the podcast, produced by Pulse+IT and hosted by digital health legends Louise Schaper and George Margelis, is an enlightening, entertaining look at global digital health trends and current debates with our hosts’ deep takes on all the latest news in digital health.