Crossing the Chasm

Welcome to another episode of Crossing the Chasm. Today I am joined by Amanda Janoo, the economics and policy lead for the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEALL). Amanda is an economic policy expert with extensive expertise and experience working with governments and international development institutions around the world. Amanda has a unique and inspiring perspective on our economy and how we could reorient it to better support people and the planet. I hope you enjoy the conversation!
Resources mentioned during the show:
Wellbeing Economy Alliance
Cooperation Jackson (Mississippi)
Book: Doughnut Economics – Kate Raworth
Book: The Economics of Arrival – Katherine Trebeck, Jeremy Williams
Book: Braiding Sweetgrass – Robin Wall Kimmerer
Book: Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World – Tyson Yunkaporta
Article: The optimism of uncertainty – Howard Zinn

What is Crossing the Chasm?

Crossing the Chasm explores why we are so disconnected/what does connection mean and how can we become mobilized to create change for ecological and human flourishing. Episodes explore topics related to this theme by diagnosing problems but then put forth alternative visions for our society. The show explores and ultimately intends to overcome the chasm that divides where we are from where we want to go. In short, the podcast seeks to create connection by envisioning a better world.