In the Pit with Cody Schneider | Marketing | Growth | Startups

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Today I'm joined by my friend Koby Conrad -

We talk the importance of a layered growth strategy and also talk about the process for content repurposing. We then talk the critical role of building momentum through small wins that compound over time, leading to significant returns at scale. Finally we talk about how growing social accounts is the new PR for hiring. Large followers on Twitter and LinkedIn attract top talent.


(00:32) Building a self-replicating product that drives organic growth is crucial for momentum.

(05:18) Growth momentum involves tiny wins that compound over time, leading to significant returns at scale.

(11:09) Effective growth is about layering growth curves together by automating and delegating tasks.

(19:04) Staying focused on a central mission without distractions is essential for building a massive company.

(30:03) AI's potential is vast, and its development will significantly impact society and industries.

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What is In the Pit with Cody Schneider | Marketing | Growth | Startups?

In the Pit shares what founders and marketers are seeing from the front lines. Join host Cody Schneider for personal brain dumps and conversations with business leaders to learn the strategies and tactics being used to acquire first customers, scale growth, and build thoroughbred marketing organizations. Listen down. Level up.