The Development Drum

In this episode of the Development Drum we talk about leadership and what makes a good leader. Sonia describes the importance of courage in being a leader and mastering your fears. She also touches on the details of her latest book and what it takes to improve your soft skills for the betterment of your workplace.

Links from the episode:

About your host: Chelsea van Riet is the UDIA Queensland’s Director of Research and Engagement.
About our guest: Kindness advocate, Mum, Leader, Speaker, Author and all-round fabulous human Sonia McDonald has dedicated decades of her life to understanding leadership and what can make good leaders great. She founded Leadership HQ as part of her mission to rid the business world of superficial leadership.

Show Notes

In this episode of the Development Drum we talk about leadership and what makes a good leader. Sonia describes the importance of courage in being a leader and mastering your fears. She also touches on the details of her latest book and what it takes to improve your soft skills for the betterment of your workplace. 

Links from the episode:

About your host: Chelsea van Riet is the UDIA Queensland’s Director of Research and Engagement.

About our guest: Kindness advocate, Mum, Leader, Speaker, Author and all-round fabulous human Sonia McDonald has dedicated decades of her life to understanding leadership and what can make good leaders great. She founded Leadership HQ as part of her mission to rid the business world of superficial leadership.

What is The Development Drum?

The Queensland residential property development industry podcast for UDIA members.