Major Speaker Program

The Heritage Foundation’s Dr. Ryan Anderson speaks on his new book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement. Anderson rivets his audience throughout the talk as he navigated the difficult subject matter and offered practical advice on how to respond to the transgender moment through the Catholic lens.

Show Notes

The Heritage Foundation’s Dr. Ryan Anderson delivered a lecture at Christendom College on Monday, November 19, speaking on his new book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement. Anderson riveted his audience throughout the talk as he navigated the difficult subject matter and offered practical advice on how to respond to the transgender moment through the Catholic lens.

What is Major Speaker Program ?

The Christendom College Major Speakers Program is an important aspect of the academic life at the College, offering the students and community an opportunity for cultural, intellectual, and spiritual enrichment beyond the classroom. The Major Speakers Program offers the students expanded opportunities to gain greater insights and depth of understanding of important issues, and to interact personally with a wide range of men and women who are shapers and critics of our society. At least two major speakers are hosted by the College each semester.