Speak Up for SaferCare

In this episode, learn how rural librarian Dianne Connery became a community advocate in Pottsboro, Texas.

Show Notes

Libraries are for checking out books, right? Think again!

In this episode, learn how rural librarian Dianne Connery became a community advocate in Pottsboro, Texas. In this retirement community, many residents cannot utilize technology for information/education. Find out how this community pioneer meets the needs of rural community members and the impacts of her efforts.

What is Speak Up for SaferCare?

Patient safety is everybody’s business. Preventable medical errors occur in 10% of all patient encounters in a variety of healthcare settings, which can be devastating to patients, families, and the healthcare workers providing their care. Most errors originate from faulty systems or processes, and not individuals. Speak Up for SaferCare shares stories from subject matter experts, healthcare workers, patients, and caregivers-and aims to illuminate where things went wrong, so future harm is prevented.