The Wavelength Podcast

Episode 14 of The Wavelength Podcast w/ lifelong friends, Tyler Crispen and Alex Kamenca. 

On this episode we interview a true Nashvillian, self-made entrepreneur, and one of the coolest guys you will ever meet from his shop here in Nashville. Dustin Bowen, owner of Bowen Bootwear talks through his journey of starting off as a drummer and then "accidentally" falling in love with the boot making industry. From starting off working for one of the largest boot companies in the world to then starting his own company, Dustin has made waves in the industry and made boots for some of your favorite celebrities. 

Dustin's/Bowen Bootwear Instagram:


What is The Wavelength Podcast?

Welcome to getting on the same Wavelength! We’re two normal guys from a small town in Ohio that chose and are continuing to choose to experience life to the fullest. We’ve experienced a lot of different life between us already and are going to keep going with you all.
This is where we laugh, cry, get vulnerable, and talk about our life experiences along with some cool guests. We’re not experts and we’re not going to pretend to be. This for all of us to relate our life experiences together and get on the same Wavelength.