Location: INT. FARMER’S STABLES - NIGHT Sound: Gradually increasing sound of a burning fire. JANE (V.O.): That night I dreamt of fire. Everything I have, am, and ever will be just burning bright...I could hear the wood splinter and crack... JANE (V.O.): ...Bill’s to my right, trapped beneath a table. He ain’t moving. I try and call out to him but my lungs choked with ash...Crawling through the soot, smoke and heat...I reach out only to grab a fistful of ember. The fire crackles as it swallows us whole... SHERIFF (V.O.): Then what? JANE (V.O.): Then I woke up...to an actual fire. Sounds: Windows shatter. Burning wood structure groans, eventually collapsing. JANE (V.O.): I was looking for my horse & fell asleep in the neighboring town’s stables. Party-crashers from earlier must’ve caught my trail. Brought the fire with em. Sounds: Inferno. Heavy knocks all around the barn doors. REED (O.S.): She’s in there. She’s gotta be in there! BRIAN: Come on out now, girlie! We didn’t get to finish our talk earlier. REED (delusional): You’ll pay for getting between me and my sweet Faith!!! Sounds: Many boots outside. Surrounding the place. JANE (V.O.): I counted five total. Two in the back, two at the sides, leaving loud mouth out front. A fair fight if ever I saw it. BRIAN: Come on out or we’ll smoke you out! JANE (V.O.): I snuck off along the bales, keepin’ low till I was right at the side door. I could see one of them on horseback, covering the exit. My plan was a direct shot right between his eyes. Then stealing his horse and looping around for a mounted attack. They were counting on me to start the show and I couldn’t disappoint. BRIAN: --five--four--three-- Sounds: Gunshot from a distance. JANE (V.O.): Bullseye! Only problem, it wasn’t my gun. Sound: Brian’s leg bursts open and he collapses onto the dirt, howling in pain. His buddies return fire. JANE (V.O.): Loud mouth lost a leg and hit the dirt, his buddies returned fire but the rider outside was faster. Jane (V.O): I took my shot then, getting one in the butt before taking cover from return fire. Sounds: Gun battle & horse galloping. JANE (V.O): The rider kept galloping in circles, herding and shooting the low-lifes. JANE (V.O): Guess I shouldn’t have been too surprised when I recognized the cavalry’s emblem. SHERIFF (V.O.): Captain O’Rourke came to your rescue? JANE (V.O.): Captain was nowhere to be found. But the rider who came to my rescue was about to meet his end. One of the wounded outlaws had him in his cross-hairs. Sounds: Jane’s cannon of a gunshot. Sounds: A man’s screech and panic. JANE (V.O.): I blew the outlaw’s hand clean off. The rider was safe, but-- ELICK: Look out! Sounds: Elick tackles Jane away from the explosion. JANE (V.O.): The barrels exploded right where my head’s been. The rider took care of my would-be assassin. I thanked him with a swift kick. Sounds: Jane Kicks Elick off of her. JANE: Back off! ELICK(pained): Hold on now... JANE: Come any closer and we’ll have more than this pistol between us. JANE (V.O.): First time I laid eyes on my saviour. Lieutenant by the rank of him. 5th Cavalry. SHERIFF (V.O.): He just ‘happened’ to run into you? JANE (V.O.): Like a moth to a flame. Never seen him before in my life. ELICK(in pain): Janie? It’s me. Damn, you still got a good kick! JANE (cautiously relieved): Elick? ELICK (joking): There can only be one. They’re happy and embrace as friends. JANE: Jesus, you look a sight. Captain will be happy to see you. ELICK: Captain? JANE: O’Rourke. He’s back in the city looking for his horse or whatnot. ELICK: Actually... O’Rourke’s dead. JANE: You kidding? I saw him back at the saloon, he’s alive and looking for you all. ELICK: No. He was gunned down right in front of me during an ambush. He’s been dead about a month. Sound: Jane whistles for a horse, mounts and takes off. ELICK (CONT’D): Hey! Jane wait that’s my horse! SHERIFF (V.O.): So you returned to the saloon. On a stolen horse. JANE (V.O.): Try & see the bigger picture here, Sheriff. We were due to leave that morning. I didn’t have much time to look for the Captain. My sanity and job was on the line. SHERIFF (V.O.): Job? Dante Cortez never paid you a dime. JANE (V.O.): He did when he wanted things done right. Location: EXT. OUTSIDE RUSTABOUT SALOON: SIOUX CITY - DAY DANTE: Finally! Calamity, where the hell you been? JANE: Good to see you too, boss. DANTE: Last night’s gunshow scared my patrons. Marshals are crawling up my business. JANE: Tell em’ the party-poopers are dead. DANTE: You...killed them? JANE: They attacked, I defended, rest’s history. DANTE: Then explain that to the Marshals over there. JANE: Hey, you seen a Cap-- Sounds: Faith beelines for Jane, nearly knocking her over in a tight hug. FAITH: Jane! thank goodness. You’re alright? JANE: Much better now, Faith. DANTE: Hey, hey, save that for later. We need to get moving. Faith, I want the whole troupe on the road by high noon! FAITH: Ignore him. How you holding up? you didn’t come to bed and...is that blood? JANE: Not mine. I’m alright. JANE(teasing): You worried I’d run off on you? FAITH: Of course not. I know how much you like a good thing. Sound: Jane laughs at that. JANE: You’re damn right, Darling. Listen, last night do you remember who I spoke--? DANTE (O.S.): Faith! FAITH: He’s in a bad way today. Sorry. What were you saying? JANE: Go, before boss man finds another leading lady. FAITH: I’ll see you tonight. You still owe me answers! JANE (light): That mean I’m forgiven for not coming to bed? FAITH: Don’t push your luck. I’m just happy you ain’t dead. Sounds: Faith gives Jane a quick peck on the cheek and runs off to help the troupe. INT. RUSTABOUT SALOON: SIOUX CITY - DAY Sound: coins being stacked one by one. JANE: You boys lost? Sound: Coins stop being stacked, chairs scrape. JANE (CONT’D): Uh-uh. Don’t move an inch. AGENT SPENCE (amused): Easy, ma’am. We’re here on official business. JANE: Is that right? Well I’ve seen a few Marshals in my time. You two don’t fit the bill. AGENT SPENCE: Is it the beard? AGENT SPENCE (to Henry Mills): It’s the beard ain’t it. AGENT MILLS(gruff): It’s not your damn beard. JANE: Step away from the coin. AGENT SPENCE(lighthearted): We can’t do that. It’s evidence. JANE: Evidence of what? AGENT MILLS: Theft for one. This here was among the coin. JANE (V.O.): He held up a faithful service medallion. Captain O’Rourke received one a while back but there was lots of military folk passing through our show. SHERIFF (V.O.): Did he have it the night before? JANE (V.O.): I couldn’t remember. But I knew Marshals wouldn’t be counting coins. Sound: Jane fires a warning shot right before Spence’s foot. AGENT MILLS(annoyed): I lost my count! JANE: That’s my final warning. Step away. AGENT SPENCE: Either that or you’re a lousy shot. Mills was mumbling in the background trying to keep his count, but loses it. Sound: Dante scrambles in from the doors. DANTE: Jane, what the hell you doing? JANE: Stopping em’ from helping themselves to your coin. Get back, Dante. DANTE: You crazy? I don’t need you shooting Marshals. JANE: These men ain’t Marshals. JANE: (to the agents) What did you do to the Captain? AGENT MILLS: Which Captain might that be? JANE: Don’t play dumb with me. DANTE: Look gentlemen, we have no trouble here. Please take your cut and leave us in peace. AGENT SPENCE: Your lady-friend is right, Mr.Cortez and we’re so grateful for your offer. Makes our job easier. DANTE: I don’t understand... AGENT SPENCE: You just bribed agents of the secret service. AGENT MILLS: With counterfeit coin no less. He drops the bag at Dante’s feet with a thud. DANTE (shock): No. There must be some mistake. Jane? JANE: Secret service? why the cloak and dagger? AGENT SPENCE: Let’s just say we like to keep things secret. JANE: Well it’s no secret that medallion belongs to a Captain I know. He was here last night, he can vouch for a clean show. No counterfeiting or theft on my watch. AGENT SPENCE: And what exactly do you do for this theatre troupe, miss...? JANE: Calamity Jane. You can say I keep the peace. Fake money ain’t how we do business. AGENT MILLS: The national mint was robbed a few months back, now we’re seeing counterfeit currency flooding the market. AGENT MILLS (CONT'D: We’ll need to speak with this Captain of yours and all other patrons of this establishment. JANE: Then help me find him. JANE (V.O.): I searched high and low, every room at the saloon. No Captain. SHERIFF (V.O.): He wouldn’t stay at the saloon if he were trying to lay low. JANE (V.O.): You clearly ain’t met O’Rourke. ROLAND: Of course, where there’s guns there’s trouble and you. How are you feeling Jane? JANE: You seen a captain last night? I drank with him before leaving. ROLAND: No. Was he your secret admirer? JANE: No. And it turns out some think he’s dead. ROLAND: Wouldn’t be the first patron to die at our show. What’s happening with Dante over there? JANE: Money. Don’t ask. I just need to find the Captain. He might still be in Sioux City. ROLAND: You leaving us? JANE(playful): I’d never leave your booze, Roland. Tell the Captain to wait for me if he comes back before we head out. ROLAND (laughs): I’ll do that. ELICK: Hey horse thief. JANE: Not now, Lieutenant. I’m in a hurry. Your horse is up front. ELICK: If you’re off to check the brothels don’t bother. JANE: Thought you said the Captain’s dead? ELICK: Maybe a part of me wanted to believe he wasn’t. But I know what I saw in that ambush. He’s dead. JANE: Well, secret service boys found his Medallion inside. ELICK: Any number of ways it could’ve ended up there, Janie. JANE: What about his horse? ELICK: Danger? Elick (laughs): You plan to steal him too? JANE: He told me something important was on that horse. You know what it is? ELICK: Of course, battle plans for General Miles’ campaign. That’s what I’m here for. SHERIFF (V.O.): Stop. JANE (V.O.): Make up your damn mind, Sheriff. You want to hear this story or not? SHERIFF (V.O.) I’m not looking for a story, I want the truth. There’s no way either of you simply wished to find a horse. It was carrying something. JANE (V.O.): I thought that was obvious? SHERIFF (V.O.)(warning):Jane. JANE (V.O.): Gold. You happy now? Sound: Retreating bootsteps. JANE (V.O.): Leaving already? SHERIFF (V.O.): I am when you’re lying to me. JANE (V.O.): Oh come on don’t be like that. You’re one who wanted to know. Sound: Sheriff walks out and slams the door. Credits read by Nathan Sager