TWILA Podcast

Growing industrial hemp is the hot topic. We discuss some of the things that factor into producing this crop. We also talk to Jennifer Finley about the Field to Feast segment she filmed while in New Orleans for the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation Convention. She tells us about the amazing people she gets to work with while filming Field to Feast, and the delicious food she gets to eat while doing it. Happy 4th of July everyone!!

Show Notes

To learn more about industrial hemp, visit this site.

To learn more about SoBou, visit this site.

To watch this week's show, visit

For other Field To Feast segments, visit this site.

What is TWILA Podcast?

This Week In Louisiana Agriculture is a weekly show created to connect Louisiana farmers, ranchers, and fishermen with consumers across Louisiana and around the world. Each week, we’ll share the show here and take a look behind-the-scenes of This Week In Louisiana Agriculture, one of the longest-running television programs in Louisiana.