Films & Filth

A blast from the podcast past to kick off our James Cameron Month!

Show Notes

December in the Sanctuary is James Cameron Month! Let's kick it off by revisiting The Terminator.

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Luke also talks to you about monsters big and small at Luke Loves Pokemon, and the Monster Hunter loving Monster Mash.  Get into those here:

Meanwhile, Matt spends his non-podcast time trying to create mind-bending music:
And other podcast time ranting about the Twilight Zone:

Coming soon to the Sanctuary:
December 7 - The Abyss
December 14 - Avatar
December 21 - Gremlins

What is Films & Filth?

The Citizen Kane of Podcasting. Three dorks and often a guest have a look at the top 100 films and bottom 100 films as voted by iMDb users.