The Equipped Educator

Is education consulting your next right step? At the Responsive classroom, I’ve started a new section of my business called the EquippED Consultants Collective. You can find us on IG @equipped_consultants_co. The mission of this is simply to help and coach those of you who want to move into being an education consultant to start and grow your own business. I know it can feel daunting to go from education to business ownership, but it’s absolutely doable!

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Follow us on IG here! @equipped_consultants_co

What is The Equipped Educator?

Education is hard. No matter your role in education, creating independent learners is the goal and the means to closing the achievement gap, lowering overwhelm in teachers, and re-engaging students in learning. 

Each episode, we will talk through implementable ways to equip your teachers (or yourself) to be a responsive teacher and help your students thrive.