The Future Belongs to Creators

A Thank You page is the first thing your subscribers should see after subscribing to your email list. As such, it’s an often overlooked, but important part of your site.

Show Notes

A Thank You page is the first thing your subscribers should see after subscribing to your email list. As such, it’s an often overlooked, but important part of your site.

Rather than a simple success message, you should leverage your subscriber’s attention while you have it and make good use of your Thank You page. If someone is willing to subscribe to your list, then they’re interested in what you have to say, so it’s not only beneficial to you but it can beneficial for your subscribers as well if done right.

In today’s episode, we talk about how and why you should build a great Thank You page for your newsletter subscribers. 

Main Takeaways
  • Right after subscribing to an email list might be the best time for someone to engage with you or your content. Don’t waste it with a generic “Success!” page.
  • Best practices for Thank You pages:
    • Have one. 
    • Set expectations and reinforce those expectations.  
    • Further your connection. Give your Thank You page some personality.
    • Figure out the immediate next action. This is a perfect opportunity to direct subscribers to take action on your site.
  • More people will take action on your Thank You page when there is something in it for them. 
  • You always want to optimize for the long-term value of the relationship, but if you can make a dollar today versus a month from now, take the money today and reinvest in growth. 
  • Give people effective and meaningful copy on the Thank You page so they stick around to read and engage with it. A good Thank You page gives a little buffer before your email hits their inbox (if that’s what’s happening).
Creator of the Day 
Resource of the Day
Thought of the Day
“Sign up for your own newsletter. Go through that experience and figure out the points where you can improve.” ~ @nathanbarry
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With ConvertKit landing pages, you can build a beautiful page for your project in just a few minutes. Choose colors, add photos, build a custom opt-in form, and add your copy. All without writing any code! Check out to get started.

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What is The Future Belongs to Creators?

A show for creators, by creators. Every Wednesday, hosts Charli Prangley, Miguel Pou, and Haley Janicek explore the creator economy, discussing the topics and questions facing creators and creative hopefuls alike.