Scrimba Town Hall

When a recruiter looks at your CV, you only have ten seconds to grab his attention. Here's how!

Show Notes

 What is the difference between a resume and a CV, and how long should it be? Whether you’re a junior or a senior developer, there’s always something you can learn about leaving a good first impression on a potential employer.

You are awesome, but when a recruiter looks at your CV, you only have ten seconds to get that point across! In this Fireside chat, members of the Scrimba community are teaching you everything they know about building a job-winning resume. You will learn why it is essential to format your CV in a certain way (for both ATS and people) and if it’s worth it to hire a professional resume writer. Plus, we’ll teach you how to optimize your LinkedIn profile for the job you want.

What is Scrimba Town Hall?

Recordings from Scrimba's weekly town hall (formerly Fireside chat). In the town hall, various members from team Scrimba come together to share what they've been working on and answer questions from the audience. To tune in live, head to: