The Recovery Warrior Shows

Join our body image bootcamp for women who have battled their body & obsessed over food for decades at 🍑
  • Learn the Body Freedom Framework™️ for actionable steps to body liberation
  • Daily workshopping of specific body image challenges
  • Create a personalized body freedom plan
  • Gain powerful tools to break free from debilitating body image struggles
  • Find clarity and strength among those who truly get it
Get your virtual pass NOW at 🍑 (WE START JULY 8TH!)

"The only reason that I started manipulating food was to manipulate my body."

Join us for a candid talk with Joni O'Donnell, a certified intuitive eating counselor, body image coach, and facilitator of the Body Freedom program inside the Courage Club. Joni opens up about her personal journey with being recently diagnosed with Lipedema and the emotional challenges of living in a larger body. Tune in for a goldmine of insights and actionable tips for anyone navigating similar struggles. 

Body Acceptance: Joni emphasizes the importance of seeing her body as a teammate, not an enemy.

👗 Clothing & Body Image: Joni shares how she has shifted her focus towards comfort and personal style rather than hiding perceived flaws and signs of aging.

💬 Breaking the Cycle: Joni is breaking the intergenerational cycle of body shame by having open communication with her three daughters about her recovery journey. 

Don't miss this body talk aimed at fostering acceptance and body image resilience.





What is The Recovery Warrior Shows?

Real talk. Real insights. Real stories of recovery helping people stop fighting food and their body since 2012.

Welcome to Recovery Warriors podcast channel. Where many voices come together to share the one great journey to full eating disorder recovery.

With a unique lineup of shows, your food, body, and self-esteem struggles are covered from every angle. Balancing science and soul, we tell stories and share evidence-based research behind what it takes to recover from restriction, anorexia, bulimia, over-exercising, binge eating, chronic dieting and disordered eating. Not only that, we also cover the underlying trauma, limiting beliefs, and painful emotions that keep you trapped in cycles of feeling powerless and stuck.

It’s exhausting constantly thinking about food and worrying about your weight. You, dear warrior, don’t have to live like this. Together, let’s march forward into a future where you’re living, breathing proof that recovery is possible.