The L&D Challenges Podcast

In this fascinating interview, Adam speaks with Dr Keith O'Brian, Director of Consulting at Influence at Work, about how to use persuasion and influence at work in a learning and development context.

Keith currently leads a team of behavioural scientists to create innovative solutions that change behaviour and achieve organisational objectives. He is an expert in designing persuasive technology to change minds and behaviour, spanning 8+ years in tech and digital products.

In this episode, they discuss:
  1. The six principles of persuasion from Robert Cialdini.
  2. Differences between learning cultures and action cultures in L&D.
  3. The need for leadership buy-in and psychological safety when creating a learning culture.
Keith gives practical tips on how to use persuasion and influence effectively in L&D. If you are looking to influence, inspire and move others to take action, this is a must-listen-to episode.

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What is The L&D Challenges Podcast?

Welcome to the L&D Challenges podcast series.

If you are in Learning and Development, HR, Talent, or Organisation Development, this is the podcast for you.

The L&D Challenges podcast is a candid look at L&D today. It focuses on real-life practitioners solving real issues in learning and staff development.

In Series 1, we interview ten L&D movers and shakers who shared with us how they think about engagement and impact with their learning interventions.

The guests in this first series range from senior L&D professionals at global corporates like Ricoh, Continental, and EDF to solo L&D practitioners in fast-growing organisations. Each tackles the problem of how we best train and retain talent and maximise the business impact of L&D.

We thought we’d get a few friendly tips and tricks from these interviews about increasing engagement in learning and measuring impact. In reality, we learned so much more and think you will too.