Prayers and Ponderings

Summer Stillness - A Prayer by the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins

O Love,
 Saturate me
 With Your summer stillness
 Opening deep within
 The space unnameable 
 Formed by You
 For Your mystery
 Of unfolding love.
Pause me with scents
 Scattered by flowers
 Coming into bloom
 Fed by Your sun and rain.
Fix my gaze 
 On your gentle motion
 Of morning sun rising
 And landing on everything
 In joyful abandon
 Born of Your abundance.

Let me rest in You
 Trusting Your promise
 Announced by birds
 Singing their summer song.
By this of You 
 May worry be put to rest
 And wonder be given space
 To rise in worship of You
 And all You make possible
 In Your grand unfolding
 Hinted at and revealed
 By flowers and birds
 And daily revolutions
 Of eternity’s evolution. 
Yes, baptize me anew
 With this of Your spirit
 And Your saturating
 Summer stillness…

-DMLH, July 2024

What is Prayers and Ponderings?

The Heartland Conference Podcast of the United Church of Christ.