Web3 Tech Brief By HackerNoon

This story was originally published on HackerNoon at: https://hackernoon.com/rgb-protocol-and-the-future-of-bitcoin-ciphers-insights-from-bitcoin-singapore-2024.
Discover how RGB++ aims to enhance Bitcoin transactions with Turing-complete capabilities and improved scalability.
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This story was written by: @rgbpp. Learn more about this writer by checking @rgbpp's about page, and for more stories, please visit hackernoon.com.

At Bitcoin Singapore 2024, Cipher, founder of CELL Studio, discussed the challenges of the RGB protocol and introduced the RGB++ protocol. RGB++ aims to enhance Bitcoin transactions with isomorphic binding technology and Turing-complete capabilities, addressing issues like data availability and interoperability. The protocol, now live on Bitcoin mainnet, promises better scalability and new possibilities for blockchain applications.

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