Rack Focus

Join parental hosts Jeff and Patrick as they talk about movies they see with and without their kids.  In this episode Patrick talks about X-Men:Dark Phoenix and Jeff talks to Patrick about the movie Brightburn. Patrick also talks about the last movie he took his daughter to see, Avengers:Endgame, and Jeff talks about taking his daughter to Pokémon Detective Pikachu. 

Show Notes

Join parental hosts Jeff and Patrick as they talk about movies they see with and without their kids.  In this episode Patrick talks about X-Men:Dark Phoenix and Jeff talks to Patrick about the movie Brightburn. Patrick also talks about the last movie he took his daughter to see, Avengers:Endgame, and Jeff talks about taking his daughter to Pokémon Detective Pikachu. 

What is Rack Focus?

A podcast discussion about all things movies. This podcast will talk about both new releases, classics and all of those in-between.