GTM Gals

Welcome to the first episode of GTM Gals! For our debut episode, I sat down with Sara Pion, the Head of Web Experience marketing at Dandy. With years of experience in leading SaaS companies, Sara has done it all in the marketing world. From her beginnings in conversational marketing at Drift to her current role at Dandy, Sara’s unique POV gave me endless things to pick her brain on, including:

💻 Her unique journey into marketing from technical support—how did this set her up for success? What did it teach her?
🌐 Her web experience expertise—what traps do companies often fall into when it comes to creating an effective website? What should marketers actually be focusing on when it comes to web strategy?
💼 Her career jumps—how do you know what company and role is right for you? What are the red and green flags that help you find the right path?

Grab your coffee and your headphones, and let’s jump into this insightful conversation filled with practical advice and inspiring stories from a true SaaS marketing professional.

Connect with Sara:
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A Tack Network Original Show
Produced by Share Your Genius

What is GTM Gals?

The B2B world is evolving at a fast pace, and let’s be honest, I might even call it a bit of a mess right now. But that means there’s an opportunity—especially when it comes to banding together to navigate the mess and make the world (and our careers) a better place.

Hi, I’m Dani, nice to meet you. 👋 And I’m here to be your GTM gal who explores both personal and professional topics with my B2B industry expert guests to find the answers to the questions that you are too scared to ask your boss. My guests are handpicked to help you (and me, let’s be honest) navigate the constantly changing, male-dominated, and fast-paced world of B2B GTM. This show is all about women helping women so we can all win in the world of SaaS. I hope you’ll join me!