Quiz and Hers

This week, Justin proves that there’s no idea so bad that he won’t revisit it, because he’s designed another two-part, 12-question game, this time themed around the signs of the Chinese Zodiac! We also talk about weird books, anime, and Egyptian mythology!

4:06: Q1 (Arts & Literature): What Nobel Prize-winning German author wrote the novel The Rat, though he is better known for The Tin Drum?

11:32: Q2 (Sports & Games): Owen Lloyd “Ox” Parry was a tackle who played three seasons in the 1930s for what NFL team, the only one whose official, legal name includes the word “football”?

18:35: Q3 (Music): Jackie “Tiger” Brown is one of the principal characters in what “play with music” by Bertolt Brecht, which is famous for the song “The Ballad of Mack the Knife”?

27:50: Q4 (Times & Places): Br’er Rabbit is a trickster character in the folklore of what African-American ethnic group, who have their own unique Creole language, and primarily live in the Lowcountry and Sea Islands of the Carolinas and Georgia?

35:53: Q5 (Movies & TV): The Dragon Ball anime franchise includes, of course, Dragon Ball, and its direct sequel Dragon Ball Z. Name any one of the other anime series in the franchise.

41:30: Q6 (Everything Else): What Egyptian goddess obtained her power by placing a snake in Ra’s path, and later reassembled her husband Osiris’s dead body before resurrecting him?

Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0

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Cooking with Grief Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cooking-with-grief/id1436653211

Cormac on Twitter: @CormacsThoughts

What is Quiz and Hers?

The trivia podcast where we test each other's knowledge, and the strength of our relationship.